Popiel Waclaw - graduate of Military Academy in Warsaw, major in artillery. Born on Dec. 12, 1896 in Orel (Russia). Graduated from the High School in Omsk in 1914. In Russian army from November 1915, completed education in Michail School of Artillery in Petersburg as ensign in June 1916, since then in combat, promoted to 1st lieutenant and 2nd lieutenant (September 1917).

In June 1918 drafted to the provisional Siberian government (anti-Bolshevik) army and in February 1919 left White-Russian army and joined Polish forces in Siberia as an instructor in Officer School of Artillery at 5 regiment of field artillery. In May 1919 promoted to the rank of captain and became a commanding officer of the battery till capitulation of the 3rd Siberian division. On March 20, 1921 returned to Poland from Russian prisoner of war camp, completed a course of the battery commanders, and was again a commanding officer of the battery and later of a squadron in 30 regiment of the field artillery. Afterwards he became an instructor and commanding officer of an artillery reconnaissance officers course at Officer School of Artillery in Torun 1922-1925. After graduating from Military Academy in Warsaw during 1925-1927 worked in the Department of Artillery of the Defense Ministry, then he became a commanding officer of the artillery squadron, a lecturer of the artillery tactics and the deputy executive officer for military science at Artillery Training Center (officer school). In 1930 promoted to the rank of major. Decorated with many Polish medals and one French (KW.1, MN., MW., M10., MI., Fr. MCGG). He published many articles and books related to the artillery tactics, such as: Uzycie jednostek lekkich w oslonie (Bellona, 1928), Czas potrzebny do rozwiniecia dywizjonu artylerii przed natarciem i zmiany stanowisk podczas natarcia (Przegl. Art. 1929), Zwalczanie artylerji (Bellona, 1930), Kilka uwag o zwiadzie artyleryjskim (Przegl. Art. 1930), Ogien artylerii bezposredniego wsparcia w natarciu (Przegl. Piech. 1930), Przyklady taktycznego uzycia artylerji (przegl. Art.1930), Przyklady takt. uzycia art. piechoty w obronie (przegl. Piech. 1931), Poscig.-taktyczny przyklad uzycia artylerji (przegl. Art. 1931), Zbior wiadomosci o artylerji dla oficerow piechoty (Bibl. Przegl. Piech. T. 1, Warszawa, 1932), Wspoldzialanie artylerji z piechota w obronie (Przegl. Piech. 1933), Studjum na temat uzycia artylerji w boju spotkaniowym (Przegl. Art. 1933), Artyleria w obronie ruchowej (Przegl. Art.1934), Artylerjia w dzialaniach opozniajacych (Przegl. Art. 1934), Artyleria w natarciu (Przegl. Art. 1935), Artylerja bezposredniego wsparcia (Przegl. Piech. 1934 i Przegl. Artylerji 1935), Artyleria i piechota (Przegl. Piech. 1935), Bron przeciwpancerna i jej organizacja (Bellona, 1935).

source: Military Encyclopaedia. Military Knowledge Society and Military Institute of Science and Education, editor major Otto Laskowski. Warszawa 1936, Vol. VI, block 51, p. 688


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Slawomir Popiel

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