is the name of the authors
of this site. Popiel is also the name of (as we suspect) some 5000 people living on all
continents. This name appears in the first description of Poland and its history dated on
XII cetury. Its bearer was a legendary ruler of Poland living in IX century. Historic
Popiels inhabited region of Sanok and Drohobycz (Eastern Poland and Western Ukraine) in
XIV century. In 1414 the King of Poland and the Great Duke of Lithuania
confirms Popiels' nobility acknowledging their merits at the Battle of Grunwald
(Tannenberg). The oldest document related to our ancestors, which we were able to find is
dated on July 21, 1427.
The knight Popiel and his
immediate descendants were using the coat of arms Sas. In XVI century
some of the Popiels were using the coat of arms Sulima. The coat of arms
Sas was used by many families of the Ruthenian nobility. Their original nest was Galician
Ruthenia. The Popiels of XV century were Ruthenians, in later centuries the Popiels
migrated to central Poland and Russia changing their nationality. The clan of Popiels was
very propagated already in XVI century. Some Popiels were spelling their name slightly
different, as Popil. Ukrainian and Russian version of the name spelling
with Roman characters is Popel. In XIX and XX century many Popiels
settled in USA emigrants from Galicia , Eastern Poland and Russia, which are writing their
names as Popiel, Popel and Popil.
Coat of arms of Popiels was Sas. Later, a branch of the
family started using another coat of arms called Sulima. There was a single case noted,
where a nobleman from the Popiel family used a coat of arms called Nalecz.

Note: This site is under continuous
development. Some of the documents presented at Polish-language site are not yet
translated into English. The translation will proceed as rapidly as our professional
duties allow. |
This site intends to be a
source of knowledge about origins and history of the Popiels, so that all Popiels can
learn about their ancestry. Also it creates a possibility of developing contacts between
people who most probably came from the good knight Popiel living circa 1380.
We hope that we contribute to starting and developing aforementioned contacts and that the
site will grow with new information related not only to the history of our powerful clan,
but also related to the living Popiels of today.
Jan Popiel
Slawomir (Mike) Popiel
Translation from Polish to English: sp
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Jan Popiel
Slawomir Popiel
This site was created on June 15, 1998
and updated on May 11, 2007
Copyright © 1998. Jan Popiel & Slawomir Popiel. |